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Where can I get tested for COVID-19 in my community?
The map below displays current COVID-19 community testing sites in Wisconsin. This map will be updated daily. Click on the purple dot for specific information for each testing site, including day(s) of operation, hours, and contact information.
Each site may have different requirements. Check with the testing site location for clarification.

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- Some sites may ask you to stay in your car. Other sites will screen you before you come indoors.
- Many sites will require an appointment before you arrive in order to ensure they’ve collected your contact and insurance information.
- Some sites may have age requirements.
- Some sites may require a fee for testing service.
Testing site information changes frequently. For the most up-to-date information about each testing site you may wish to contact your local health department.
If your community has a community testing site you would like to be included on this map, please complete this survey with details to include on the map.
Note: The testing sites listed below are to check for current COVID-19 infection. If you wish to receive an antibody test, contact your doctor to request one.

Were you tested for COVID-19 at a Community Testing Site?
You will be notified of your test results by phone or email. If you have been waiting for more than five days for your results from a community testing site, call the results hotline at 866-419-6988.
Please let us know if you have corrections for the information on the community testing map or table.